Monday, February 27, 2006

American Idol...

Speaking of the removal of the high-low distinction in art...

Figured I should put my American Idol predictions in here before any more of it airs, so if I'm right, it will be on record from pretty much the beginning. (I swear, I picked Carrie Underwood out of the auditions. But it's not written down anywhere, so I can't prove it.)

Based purely on the auditions, my pick this year would be Paris Bennett. And she's still a definite top three contender. But after the first set of performances, I'm leaning towards Lisa Tucker. She really wowed me. I think Katherine McPhee has the best natural singing voice of all of them, but I don't think she's going to be able to sell the songs like Lisa can. On the boys' side, I dunno. There are four or five guys I think can go right to the end, but when it comes down to it, I think Lisa's better than all of them.

So there it is. My prediction. Lisa Tucker for American Idol 2006. (Even though I probably wouldn't buy her record, because she's not my style of music...I'd be much more likely to buy Katharine's or David Radford's--who I know won't make it too much further; he's on borrowed time already.)

There. My American Idol addiction is outed. I can't wait until tomorrow night. I've avoided watching it at all for four years, and now, it's hitting hard, man.

Off-the-cuff Postmodernism

Call me crazy, but I didn't even notice that Pastor Meyers had gone overtime the past two Sunday evenings. That's because he was talking about postmodernism as part of the Cultural Discernment series. First off, I love all the Cultural Discernment evenings. Secondly, things that smack of philosophy and media and pop-culture, especially all mashed together, pretty much tops my list of Interesting Things I Want To Hear More About. Thirdly, postmodernism itself especially interests me, and I was glad to hear such a clear and non-judgmental presentation of it. I thought he did a really good job of pointing out the good things about postmodernism and the critiques it has made against modernism, as well as point out places where postmodernism itself goes to far, or in a misleading direction. He's posted this week's presentation on his blog, in case you weren't there Sunday night.

I am a little concerned about my own enjoyment of "postmodern" things, sometimes, though. Largely movies, because that's where a lot of my free time goes. It seems like most of the current movies I love are postmodern in some way, and that the things I like about them are the postmodern things. Films that encourage multiple interpretations and deny that any one interpretation is "correct" or could possibly explain everything in the film (I recently saw Caché, so that's the one I'm thinking about right now, but there are many--ooh, Mulholland Drive). Films that embrace ambiguity. I have a friend who hates ambiguous endings, and I love them, so every time we watch a film, almost, we have this argument. But here's what concerns me at times: I believe in a God who is sovereign, who is not random, who is not subjective. I believe in a book which He wrote which is authoritative and not open to any old interpretation Joe Crackpot can come up with. (I do believe there is interpretative room in the Bible, because it is story-based...but it also has elements which cannot be interpreted away. Or you know, shouldn't be interpreted away.) I believe we are living in a narrative which has a beginning, a middle, and will someday come to an end which is not ambiguous. In another sense, I suppose, the new heavens and new earth go on and do not end, but still. My point is that we're not going to get to the last judgement and be wondering how many different ways we can interpret it, and try to figure out our own endings to the story, any of which are equally valid. So why am I drawn to narratives in film and novel that are built this way? And should I fight it? Does ambiguity fit into the Christian worldview in a way I don't understand yet? Or does my very love for these postmodern interpretative games leave me susceptible to cultural brainwashing?

Other postmodern things I love that don't give me quite the worldview headache: films and TV shows that are self-referential, or build themselves out of pop-culture references (Arrested Development, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kill Bill, Shaun of the Dead--which I didn't like that much, but that was because of the zombies...ugh--even Shakespeare in Love). Films that are aggressively self-aware, and constantly call the audience's attention to the technique of the film itself, instead of to the story within the film (Run Lola Run, Tristram Shandy, which isn't out here yet, but I'm going to see it opening day, believe me). And, as Jeff mentioned many times, the mixing of high and low culture...movies like Moulin Rouge which mix the high art opera stories of Puccini and Offenbach with the pop-rock stylings of Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, Queen, Fatboy Slim, Nat King Cole, and Nirvana, among others. (I still make a high art/low art distinction, though...scripted TV like 24 and Veronica Mars and Lost and BtVS is high art, and reality TV like Temptation Island is low art. *nods* Oh, and any movie built around former SNL cast members who are not Will Ferrell, also low art. But perhaps I am biased. *shrug*)

I'm still a little unsure on all the terminology, especially when I tried to relate it to narrative art forms (books and film) instead of pictoral art and architecture. Even with the modernist definitions, I have some questions. It sounded like modernist art was focused on "form over function"--the traditional use of art, representation, was replaced with an interest in manipulating form. And yet, I tend to think of "form over function" as a postmodern thing, too. Especially taking something like Run Lola Run...the story is basically "girl's boyfriend gets in a bad drug deal, needs cash, she tries to get it before he does something stupid like knock over a convenience store or gets killed by the drug dealers." A story you could tell in twenty minutes. In fact, it is told in twenty minutes. But it's told three times, with different outcomes, and the thing that makes the story interesting is not the content, but the way the content is presented...whiplash pans, off-kilter shots, split screen narrative, the little flashes of the futures of tangential characters, and my favorite device, the animated TV show that we see as Lola dashes down the stairs that BECOMES Lola dashing down the stairs...reality becomes animated television which becomes reality again. I was going to try to make a distinction between modernism "playing with form" and postmodernism "playing with content," but I don't think it really works. Especially since the concept of "form AS function" is so central to filmmaking and criticism. Also, to what extent is the modernist tendency to move away from representational art based on the development of photography in the late 19th century, which removed the need for artists to represent the physical world, and which is coincident with the rise of impressionism?

Going along with that, would things like non-linear narratives be considered modern or postmodern? Is playing with narrative structure a type of modernist "playing with form" like modernist art? Writers who pioneered non-linear narratives, like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, are modernist, but they're considered forerunners of postmodernism. What do you do with novels like Tristram Shandy, which has been called postmodern, but was written in the 18th century? I realize that I'm trying to force strict definitions and systems on a philosophical movement that explicitly defies such categorization. Perhaps postmodernism appeals to me precisely because it pulls me out of the modernist mindset I know I often least I have that one personality type that needs to be able to categorize things--the system builder. And one plot point that I absolutely adore in movies but I haven't seen explicitly mentioned by Jeff or the other cursory reading I've done googling around, is the blurring/questioning of reality. I suppose that would fall under not taking anything for granted and questioning what one is told, which would be postmodern, and Jeff did mention that. This again would be one of the things that seems potentially unChristian to me...I mean, how far are we allowed to question reality? But pretty much any film that does this becomes a favorite with me: The Matrix (which in the third movie, even subverts the reality that the first one thought it had unmasked), eXistenZ, The 13th Floor, Adaptation...all awesome movies that play along the edges of what is reality, and how can we know if what we think is real really is? Many examples of this in literature, too...Borges' libraries, Eco's cults, Pynchon's postal system--worlds that come into being only after they're imagined. Sends shivers up and down my spine just thinking about it.

Am I closer to understanding postmodernism? Maybe. Am I more comfortable with my enjoyment of it? A little. But those two little aspects--the blurring of reality and the encouragement of multiple interpretations--still niggle at me a bit.

Here's hoping for more next week! Or, you know, sometime.

Monday, February 20, 2006

In defense of ice dancing

This afternoon, I watched the ice dancing original dance from last night, and I've once again decided that ice dancing is my favorite of the four disciplines to watch. I decide this pretty much every Olympics, but then I forget and think I like pairs the best. But I only like pairs second best. And here's why: the best pair skaters are the ones who can do all the big tricks and everything, but also are able to connect them together with innovative and artistic choreography, and really interpret the music they're using. Unfortunately, many pairs skaters get away with having amazing tricks and connect-the-tricks choreography, and can still win the competition, because the focus is on the tricks. Which means, for the viewer, that you have perhaps three or five points in the program where you go "oh my gosh, they're going to fall and kill themselves", which is exciting and creates feelings of relief and euphoria when they don't fall and kill themselves. The rest of the time, however, you're stuck going "when are they going to jump/lift/throw/death spiral again?" (Obviously, this doesn't apply to the very best pairs teams...the Russians continue to be the best largely because they do NOT rely entirely on the tricks, but put just as much effort into the artistry and choreography as landing the next biggest jump. The Chinese skaters, though--very strong on all the technical elements, but give the impression that the program would be exactly the same done to any other piece of music or no music at all...the choreography is only there to rest between technical elements.)

With ice dancing, on the other hand, although they do have required elements which are now more important than ever due to the new scoring system, the emphasis is on the choreography, the innovation, and the flow all the way through the program, not just for the few seconds of spins and lifts. Therefore, in most cases, the entire program is much more fun to watch, much more expressive, and much more interesting, because if ice dancers ever simply connect-the-required-elements, they do not make it to the Olympic level of competition.

Tracy made a good point last night about the new scoring forcing the dancers to up the ante on athleticism, and you could definitely tell in the programs...the number of falls was incredible for ice dancing. But the point is, the difficulty is in the footwork, the closeness of the partners to each other when they're skating, the intricacy of the lifts, and the sheer speed with which they're doing most of this...the difficulty is in actual skating, not aerial tricks. Belbin and Agosto were simply breathtaking. Notice how the commentaters didn't hardly even speak during their program? I couldn't even breathe. So solid, so fast, so many steps, and everything so perfect. My fingers are crossed for them in the free dance tonight. They're so good, and they were so nearly not here at all. Plus, Tanith is like the best name ever. It sounds both classic and new, very soft and yet strong. The only downside is the "th" at the end could come across as a lisp, but at the same time, it's such an unusual ending that it's attractive. It's going on my baby name list.

I wrote the above earlier today, and then read this article in Slate Magazine, which just made me mad. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to look at Slate articles, because they usually make me mad, but then I remember that it's because they make me mad and force me to respond to them (at least in my head) and sort out my thoughts about WHY they make me mad, which makes me think. Anyway. Article starts of with groaning at the fact of ice dancing, continues on to ridicule and enjoyment of Marie-France Dubreuil's fall which sent her to the hospital and kept the team out of the free dance tonight (although the author sort of apologizes for that), and goes on the lampoon the entire discipline as being silly, non-athletic, and unriveting. Why is it, then, that after three or four of the men skated in the men's singles competition, I only half-watched the rest, except for the Americans and Victor Plashenko, and yet I haven't been able to take my eyes off the dancers? Last time I checked, that would fall within the definiton of "riveted." Am I weird? Do I lack some taken-for-granted ability to become easily bored by pure artistry that is less adulterated by showy tricks than the other disciplines? It certainly isn't that I hope to see some good falls.

(Please don't get me wrong and think that I don't like the other disciplines...I do, greatly. I love seeing skaters do amazing jumps and I love pairs pushing the envelope on throw quads, and I love the huge, flying lifts. I love it all. I just feel like ice dancing gets unjustly ignored and maligned, and I had to step in and defend the most artistic, least plagued by the bad side of competition, sport still being performed at the Olympics. Especially since I think these dancers have shown that it does require athletic ability, and it is difficult and demanding...requiring much more than "basic coordination, mediocre rhythm, a terrible outfit, and a cheerleader grin," as stated in the article above.)

However, I have to grant Slate credit for this article, which highlights a lot of the problems I have with the new scoring system. I'm not willing to say it's a bad thing altogether, because after all, if we're going to keep treating figure skating as a sport, there has to be at least an attempt at less subjective scoring (and I have a vested interest in keeping it a sport, because it's the only reason I watch the Olympics, and I like watching the Olympics). But when the system rewards failed attempts at harder elements and penalizes flawless executions of easier elements, there's still tweaking to be done. Hopefully the skating association will figure this out and hammer at it some more.

Okay, now back to the Free Dance.

First Post

So this is where all the cool kids are hanging out. I've had an internet prescence for several years, largely on Livejournal. But that's always been more of an internet-community-fandom-based journal; most of my friends over there I met over the internet through our mutual love for the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Veronica Mars. I'm keeping that journal for that sort of thing, and to keep up with the good friends I have there, but I'm not completely ready for my internet life and my real life to collide. Hence, new blog for stalking keeping up with RL friends.

I'm fascinated by internet community, and it'll be interesting to see how this blog turns out compared to my journal. I've never perpetuated an internet persona that's different than my RL personality, so I'm not anticipating any disconnect like that...but which types of posts will I end up posting in which place? Will the content overlap greatly? Will the tone and thrust be different? Livejournal fosters a sense of community in a way that blogspot doesn' will that affect what and how I post? More importantly, will I be able to keep up with both? ;)