Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Please update links for my new blog at I'll try to remember to cross post for a while, but I can't guarantee it. Not to mention, you'll want to check out the cool music player I just embedded in the sidebar over there.

We're back from Florida! Here's some photos from our trip (click the picture to go to the appropriate flickr photoset). First a bunch of pictures of the beach, including some showing the restoration efforts still going on since Hurricane Ivan flattened the place.

And then a bunch more of my adorable cousins (well, technically, their dad is my cousin...I forget how the relationship details go). My cousin and his wife are from Pensacola, but they moved to Georgia a couple of years ago, so their girls aren't acclimated to the beach and we had to drag them into the water. In this picture, the one on the left is Michaela, the oldest at four and a half. The two on the right, Ema and Ana, are three-year-old twins. And if you click through, you can see a few shots of baby brother Micah and mommy Beth. My hat's off to her for doing an amazing job raising four kids under five. And they're all incredible hams. Just sayin'.


Blogger Jessie said...

Thanks for the pics. I can't wait to go back there later this summer. "The cross" picture kind of gives me a lump in my throat...

8:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know. When we first got there, and things were gone, new stuff was there, the dunes were flat, my first thought was "I wonder if the cross is still there." I was a little surprised that it was, and yet, not surprised at all.

8:18 AM  

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