Sunday, May 14, 2006

New Layout

I got bored of the old one. So I made a new, Greek-isle themed one. I clearly need to learn CSS a LOT better to really customize layouts, though. I tried for a few hours to figure out how to put a box in the sidebar so that the navigation links would show up against the background. No luck. I finally had to incorporate it into the graphic, which I think is sort of tacky. But Photoshop obeys me a whole lot more than CSS does.

Overall, though, I like being able to edit the entire template the way you can here. If I knew CSS for real, instead of just jacking around with it, I could customize the heck out of this. Livejournal is fully customizable, too, in theory, but its customization controls are intimidating. And I just took a Wordpress blog for a test run, and it has no customization at all; you just have to pick from the predefined templates, which is a total rip.

Now, if I could just have threaded comments like Livejournal, plus customizable templates like Blogger, plus tags/categories like Wordpress (LJ has tags, too, but Wordpress implements them better), I would be a happy blogger. Why Blogger doesn't have tags/categories, at least, I don't understand at all. The threaded comments I can do without, but I NEED TAGS.

edit: And upon pulling up this page on my computer at work, I found out why adding the lighter boxes to the graphic doesn't work...what fits properly on my widescreen monitor does not fit on the standard monitor at work. I know that's an issue whenever I make something on my home computer, and I tried to compensate for it in the layout I chose in the first place. And heaven forbid someone should have their browser set to be non-full-screen, which messes it up even more. (I rarely have my browser full-screen at work.) Grrr. The bottom is even worse. On my home monitor, the words are only about an inch across the graphic at the bottom, not ALL THE WAY ACROSS IT. Back to the drawing board tonight, I guess. *sigh*


Blogger April said...

I like the blue, not certain about my opinion of the Greek town view, but I'd sure like to visit....ooooh I forgot I have been to Greece! Many a moon ago.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I never really wanted to go to Greece that bad until I saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, part of which is set in Santorini, Greece, and now I'm dying to see it myself. Where in Greece did you go?

6:44 PM  
Blogger April said...

Oh, saw that movie and I remember it, good yes.

Okay, I went on a cruise w/ my parents and sister through some of the islands umm Corinth, Rhodes....uhhhh and I think two others that I can't remember. I was 12 or 13 years old. I would love to go back and appreciate it as an adult. I saw all the ruins of ancient Greece and mostly remember being hot, tired and so blinking bored! Poor me. Sorry about your bummer day. Work is overrated!

8:31 PM  

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